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Smart way to live long life

Smart way to live long life


We are the company Trime s.r.o., ID number 01815148, with registered office at Národní 135/14, 110 00 Prague, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 267083.

Our contact details are:

Tel. no.: +420 910 920 516

We operate a website at We work with cookies on this website. You can read more details below.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that our website sends to the browser or your device from which you view our website (i.e. phone, tablet, computer). They enable us to recognize you and adapt our website accordingly, analyze your behavior, show you certain content, etc. We write more about individual cookies below.

What types of cookies do we use?

Technical, functional - these are necessary to show you our website and work for you as it should

Analytical – these help us analyze how our website works in terms of visitor behavior and adapt and change the website accordingly

Preferential - these cookies are intended to display our content to you in the settings you prefer - for example, in a certain language or to otherwise make browsing/purchasing easier for you

Marketing - thanks to these cookies, we or third parties can customize the offer of our services after your visit. This offer can then also be displayed to you outside of our website

Security - cookies whose task is to prevent fraud and possibly remove security errors

Specific cookies and more detailed information about them can be found in the table at the end of this document.

On what basis do we process cookies?

We can work with technical, functional cookies on the basis of legal regulations. We would not be able to provide you with our services without them.

Analytical, security and preference cookies allow us to process the so-called legitimate interest. Of course, we cannot force you to such processing in any way and you can raise a so-called objection against it. You can prevent us from this processing by setting your browser, using the cookie bar settings or browsing in anonymous mode.

We can process marketing cookies based on your consent.

How can you prevent the use of cookies?

First of all, we would like to state that the cookies we collect for the purpose of measuring website traffic and creating statistics regarding the traffic and behavior of visitors on our website are assessed in the form of a collective whole and thus in a form that does not allow the identification of an individual.

Cookies necessary for the functionality of the website are always kept only for the time necessary for its operation.

The easiest way to prevent working with cookies is through your browser settings. You can find more about individual browsers and deleting/blocking cookies here:

We would like to add that the settings need to be made for each of your devices (phone, tablet, computer) separately.

Who processes cookies for us?

  • provider of Google Analytics, Ads and Doubleclick Google Ireland Ltd., Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland., in accordance with its terms, click here.
  • Facebook service provider, operated by Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland in accordance with its terms - click here.
  • Sklik service provider –, a.s., registered office Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Prague 5 – Smíchov, in accordance with its terms and conditions – you can find them here.
  • HotJar
  • Smartlook
  • Drip

We would also like to mention:

We work with your cookies. If you have given us your consent, a so-called third party can also work with your cookies. In this case, we list it in the table below.

Work with personal data takes place within the European Union. If processing takes place outside the EU, then on the basis of relevant legal regulations (exceptions approved by the European Union, or after meeting other requirements for the security of work with data).

We do not have a personal data protection officer in our company.

When processing personal data, according to the GDPR (Regulation of the EP and EU Council No. 2016/679), you have the right to contact us and ask for information about how we process your personal data; request access to this data from us and have it updated or corrected, or request restriction of processing; in certain cases, you can request a copy of the personal data processed; request erasure or exercise the right to data portability. If you think that we are not handling the data correctly, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or enforce your claims in court.


Type Name Purpose Expiration Access to information
Necessarily language Displays the user's preferred language. 1 year
Necessarily PHPSESSID Preserves user state on page requests. Session
Necessarily SRV_ID Improves loading speed Session
Necessarily test_cookie Checks if the browser supports cookies. 1 day
Necessarily ratings Evaluation. Session
Statistical _ga It is used by the Google Analytics system to generate statistical data about how the user uses the website. 2 years
Statistical _ga_# It is used by the Google Analytics system to generate statistical data about how the user uses the website. 2 years
Statistical _gat It is used by the Google Analytics system to generate statistical data about how the user uses the website. 1 day
Statistical _gid It is used by the Google Analytics system to generate statistical data about how the user uses the website. 1 day
Statistical collect It uses Google Analytics to send data about the visitor's behavior on the website. Session
Marketing _fbp Facebook advertising system 3 months
Marketing _gcl_au It uses Google Analytics to send data about the visitor's behavior on the website. 3 months
Marketing ads/ga-audiences It uses Google Adwords for ad targeting Session
Marketing IDE It uses Google Analytics to send data about the visitor's behavior on the website 1 year
Marketing pagead/1p-user-list/# Used by Google for marketing purposes. Session
Marketing retargeting Used by Seznam for marketing purposes. Session
Marketing sid Used by Seznam for marketing purposes. 29 days
Marketing tr Used by Facebook for marketing purposes. Session
Marketing heureka Used by Heureka for marketing purposes. Session