Trime: Consume Dietary Supplements Within a Year – Their Quality Rapidly Declines Post-Production


Press releases

Prague, January 2024

Long shelf life is not a guarantee of quality supplements, warns Trime, a Czech startup specializing in premium dietary supplements that closely mimic real, nutrient-rich foods. The company highlights findings that supplements degrade quickly after production. Studies show that vitamin supplements can lose more than 80% of their original nutritional value within a year.

“Winter is a time when demand for dietary supplements increases. However, selecting truly effective and beneficial supplements is no easy task, as quality depends on numerous factors. Many consumers rely on shelf life as a key indicator when choosing supplements, but this approach is often misleading. For example, the quality of vitamins and oils can decrease by tens of percent within a year. To get the most out of their nutritional potential, they should be consumed as soon as possible. Expecting full benefits from supplements after several years is unrealistic,” explains Michal Kočí, co-founder and CEO of Trime.

Quality Lasts Only a Few Months

Nutrients in supplements degrade quickly—a fact demonstrated by researchers from the University of São Paulo. They tested the stability of dietary supplements containing vitamins A, E, and C from 12 different brands over one year. Despite being stored at room temperature and protected from light, 92% of the tested samples experienced significant losses in active ingredients. Vitamin A concentrations dropped by up to 81% within just six months, while vitamin E levels declined by a third over the same period.

“We recognize that some nutrients can only retain their quality for a limited time. One way to slow degradation is through synthetic stabilizers, but these provide no health benefits and lack sufficient long-term safety data. We choose not to take this route, which is why we limit the shelf life of our products to just one year. We also educate our customers, encouraging them to use supplements regularly and consume them within weeks,” explains Kočí.

Extending Shelf Life Naturally

Trime recommends storing supplements in cool, dark places to naturally extend their shelf life and avoid unnecessary additives. “This method not only prolongs their usability but also eliminates the need for artificial preservatives. At Trime, we follow the same principle by producing smaller batches, maintaining strict storage standards across the production chain, and ensuring our products are sold within three months of being stocked,” Kočí adds.