Interview with the creator of the formula, Jakub Přibyl, about the innovation of the Daily F20 Complex multivitamin.
The Daily F20 Complex multivitamin has undergone a major transformation. In this interview with Jakub Přibyl, Trime's product developer, you'll learn how we are rethinking our approach to food supplements and why we are embracing natural food sources. What major changes and innovations does the new version bring? And what challenges did we face when creating this whole-food-based supplement? You'll find out in the following article.
How does the composition of the new version of the Daily F20 Complex multivitamin differ from the original?
Jakub: It must be said that these are two completely different worlds. The original formula was based on a multi-complex of vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients that were isolated and purified, essentially pure molecules. For example, the vitamin C was not in its natural form from fruit but as ascorbic acid, supplemented with bioflavonoids and fatty acids. In this new version, we are moving towards what has been our vision from the start—natural sources. The new complex therefore contains no isolated or purified molecules of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins in chelate bonds. Instead, we rely on original food sources.
While we didn’t use the low-quality synthetic vitamins that are often found in other multivitamins in the original formula, we didn’t have the means to create a fully natural supplement back then. At that time, the technology wasn’t available. Even today, it's not 100%, but we have largely succeeded.
It’s also important to note that in the original F20 formula, we selected the highest quality raw materials with an emphasis on their pharmacokinetics—how the target molecules, like vitamins and minerals, work within the body’s metabolism. So, they did have some efficacy. However, the question remains how these isolated substances behave in the complex mix of 20 ingredients, alongside the context of diet and individual needs. This is why it's always better to receive nutrients from natural foods or supplements whose composition is as close as possible to the natural form.
Customers will now find F20 divided into two vials, one containing powder capsules and the other liquid capsules. Why is that?
Jakub: The original recipe came in a single bottle, but now it’s divided into two glass vials. Imagine trying to mix 20 different substances into one capsule—it simply wouldn’t work. Originally, we used fillers and stabilizers, although natural, as well as pure molecules to fit everything into one capsule. Most modern multivitamins on the market take a similar approach. But now, we’ve chosen a different concept.
For example, instead of using potassium iodide, which takes up minimal space, we now use a specially cultivated algae that naturally accumulates iodine. The volume of this ingredient is much larger, and to obtain just a few micrograms of iodine, we work with tens of milligrams of algae. Therefore, it has to be divided into several capsules.
Another factor is that we finally managed to solve a problem we’ve been aware of for a long time: some substances interact with each other and may not remain stable throughout the entire shelf life. That’s why we’ve separated them into different capsules, which are taken together as part of the daily dose.
Why is it better to keep substances of different types separate?
Jakub: As I mentioned, by separating powder-based substances from liquid-based ones, we’ve ensured better stability and protection of each ingredient, as well as their purity.
To include fat-soluble vitamins (lipophilic substances) in a multivitamin, they first have to be converted into powder form. This process involves multiple technological steps, such as refining, and the use of various additives. Customers often aren’t even aware of these because they’re classified as processing aids and aren’t listed on the label. In the original formula, we tried to minimize this interference and achieve the highest purity possible.
But now we’ve come up with an entirely new concept: oily substances are placed in separate capsules, eliminating the need for these technological steps.
How should the new Daily F20 Complex be taken? Any tips on how to best incorporate it into a daily routine?
Jakub: The recommended dosage will be clearly stated on the label. One daily dose consists of one capsule containing the the lipophilic (oil-based) substances and two capsules with powdered ingredients. The user can take them all at once or spread them out throughout the day. Both methods work because the formula is designed for effectiveness. In our podcasts and other materials, we’ll discuss in more detail when and how it’s best to use this supplement. However, the Daily F20 Complex has excellent bioavailability, meaning it not only looks good on paper but actually supports the body thanks to its natural food-based ingredients.

Have the raw materials also changed significantly?
Jakub: Yes, we’ve changed many ingredients, but it would take too long to go into detail about each one. We describe some of these changes on our website. There are some details we can’t fully disclose because their development involved a lot of effort, time, and nerves. However, we’ve managed to reach a level we are proud of. Even though we're not at the final stage yet, we’re constantly working to improve the product. Every innovation requires significant time and money, and sometimes it’s hard to communicate this to customers.