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Smart way to live long life

Smart way to live long life

Magnesium and heavy metals contamination

Magnesium and heavy metals contamination Dietary supplements represent a quick way to compensate for deficiencies of a nutritionally poor diet and they are becoming more and more popular. There are many categories of supplements on the market and magnesium supplements belong to the most commonly used ones. In case of long-term use of not only the mentioned magnesium, it is good to be aware about the possible content of toxic contaminants. Otherwise there is a risk that regular supplementation can do more harm than good.

Article at a glanc:

  1. When to consider magnesium supplementation?
  2. Minerals and toxic substances contamination
  3. Safety and quality of Trime supplements
  4. Conventional limits for heavy metal content vs Trime limits
  5. How to choose a safe supplement?
  6. Health risks associated with heavy metal contamination

When to consider magnesium supplementation?

A large part of the population suffers from magnesium deficiency and its increased intake, either from the diet or in the form of supplements, can be beneficial for them. Magnesium supplementation can help for example if you suffer from migraines, menstrual pain, cramps, insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion. Magnesium also helps to improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin and is therefore suitable for people suffering from prediabetes or insulin resistance. Optimal magnesium levels are also important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Minerals and toxic substances contamination

Food supplements containing mineral substances can very often be contaminated with dangerous toxic substances. These include, for example, heavy metals, residues of extraction agents and other organic contaminants. It is known that all these substances have a toxic effect even in residual amounts, because they gradually accumulate in the body and thus a cumulative effect occurs.

Safety and quality of Trime supplements

At Trime, we want to offer high quality supplements that we ourselves will use every day without any worries. We therefore adhere to the strictest standards not only in terms of quality and nutritional benefit of our products, but also in terms of purity and possible contaminants content.

Customers who already know us are aware that we are not satisfied with just meeting the legislatively set limits, but often adhere to more strict limits. The mineral substances used in our supplements fall into the infant food category in terms of meeting the standards for the content of heavy metals.

Conventional limits for heavy metal content vs Trime limits

Regarding minerals, we are mainly interested in the content of heavy metals. Therefore, when producing mineral supplements we also want to know the production diagram so we can reveal all the critical points of potential contamination. Below is a table that compares our and common limits for heavy metals content.

Heavy metals

Common limits - maximum

Trime limits


10 ppm

max 3,5 ppm

Lead (Pb)

3 ppm

max 1 ppm

Arsenic (As)

3 ppm

max 1 ppm

Cadmium (Cd)

1 ppm

max 0,5 ppm

Mercury (Hg)

0,1 ppm

max 0,1 ppm

How to choose a safe supplement?

For many people, magnesium is an essential supplement that helps to improve sleep quality, stress handling and provides energy. However, with long-term use of any supplement the constant supply of potential contaminants, such as heavy metals, will be harmful to our health. Especially when the detoxification systems in the body are not functioning optimally.

We therefore recommend not to rely only on the tempting advertisement, but always check what your favorite products contain.

Or choose a producer who cares not only about the quality, but also about the safety of the sold supplements in terms of the potential contaminants content.



Health risks associated with heavy metal contamination

At the end of the article, we briefly introduce why heavy metals are risky for us. Heavy metals enter our body together with food and water, we can inhale them or they can be absorbed through the skin. Their toxicity depends on several factors such as dose, route of exposure, age, sex, genetic factors and nutritional profile of each individual. Lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are among the most dangerous metals in terms of toxicity, as they are considered systemic toxic substances that damage multiple organs. Heavy metals accumulate in the body, settle in individual tissues and organs and can cause various health issues. These include, for example, headaches, fatigue, depression and anxiety, skin problems or allergic reactions.

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