Inšpirácia: Vitamin k2
Why do we need vitamin K2?
Vitamin K2 is needed to build strong and healthy bones and according to scientific studies [1], it is also involved in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. We speak about this vitamin very often both in our podcasts and in our blog articles. From our point of view, vitamin K2 is...
Scientific studies find a link between cardiovascular disease and vitamin K2 deficiency
We have already written about vitamin K and its forms, effects and sources in the previous article here. Vitamin K2, known as menaquinone, has been recently increasingly mentioned in connection with cardiovascular health. Article at a glanc: Vitamin K2 and healthy bones Vitamin K2 deficiency - a risk factor for...
Vitamín K2 - nový prísľub v prevencii a liečbe mnohých chorôb civilizácie?
Vitamín K2 bol jednou z tém, ktoré boli dlho nedocenené. Ale naposledy sa tejto silnej živine dostáva relatívne veľkej pozornosti, pretože zohráva zásadnú úlohu v mnohých aspektoch nášho zdravia. Nebolo veľa informácií ani štúdií o všetkých vitamínoch "K skupiny", takže boli považované za jeden, dokonca aj vitamín K predstavuje rôzne...