Inšpirácia: Vitamin d
How to boost your immune system for cold and flu season?
Summer is definitely over and not only the cool down reminds us that autumn has arrived. This time of the year brings colorful landscapes but also morning fog, rainy, windy and variable weather. More frequent temperature changes during the day could also cause health problems, such as colds or other...
Which are the supplements to not forget during summer?
Summer is the time of year when we spend more time outside and we are exposed to sunlight more often. Unfortunately, sun exposure and UV radiation can also lead to faster skin aging, causing wrinkles and pigment spots. The rising temperature also influences our body. The body has to keep...
Shedding Light on Vitamin D: Understanding Its Importance and Benefits
Vitamin D is essential for our well-being, playing a crucial role in numerous biochemical processes within the body. It supports the health of bones, muscles, and teeth, while also bolstering our immune system. During the summer months, our skin can produce an ample supply of vitamin D when exposed to...
Ako si vybudovať silnú imunitu
Každý z nás reaguje na infekciu inak. Prečo niektorí ľudia nikdy neochorejú, zatiaľ čo iní bojujú s alergiami, sezónnou chrípkou alebo tráviacimi problémami? Je to tak preto, lebo sme jedineční a imunita každého z nás je iná. Imunitný systém je potrebné modulovať nepretržite, a to nielen potom, ako sa cítime...
Slnko ako zdroj vitamínu D
Receptor vitamínu D bol nájdený takmer vo všetkých bunkách v tele, čo dokazuje jeho dôležitosť a schopnosť chrániť nás pred mnohými chorobami. Vitamín D silne ovplyvňuje homeostázu a metabolizmus vápnika a fosforu, čo z neho robí základný faktor pre zdravé zuby a kosti. Zohráva významnú úlohu vo funkcii svalov, kardiovaskulárnych...