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Smart way to live long life

Smart way to live long life

Iodine deficiency - a serious health problem on the rise

Iodine deficiency - a serious health problem on the rise

Despite the worldwide use of iodine supplementation, iodine deficiency remains a serious health problem in Europe. In 2004, it was estimated that approximately 2 billion people worldwide were at risk of iodine deficiency, about 20% were in Europe. Even though cretinism, the most extreme manifestation of iodine deficiency, has almost...

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How to choose the right supplement as a gift

How to choose the right supplement as a gift

Christmas is coming. The approaching holiday season is a time of family and friendly gatherings. It is also a time when many of us like to enjoy mulled wine, roasted chestnuts and Christmas cookies. We know that everyone practices different Christmas traditions, but what we have in common during the...

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Calcium supplementation - yes or no?

Calcium supplementation - yes or no?

Calcium is an important mineral that is necessary to maintain our health. Adequate calcium intake is necessary for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, which becomes a serious global health problem. However, only few people realize that high or inappropriate doses of calcium supplements can cause side effects and health...

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October 20 - World Osteoporosis Day

October 20 - World Osteoporosis Day

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day, so we decided to focus more on this topic in this article. Osteoporosis affects a large number of the population worldwide and shows an increasing trend. The diagnosis is often determined by an accident, for example in the case of a sudden fracture. Nevertheless,...

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How to boost your immune system for cold and flu season?

How to boost your immune system for cold and flu season?

Summer is definitely over and not only the cool down reminds us that autumn has arrived. This time of the year brings colorful landscapes but also morning fog, rainy, windy and variable weather. More frequent temperature changes during the day could also cause health problems, such as colds or other...

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The absorption of mineral substances in the human body and what can we do to improve it?

The absorption of mineral substances in the human body and what can we do to improve it?

A number of mineral substances are essential for us. This means that we cannot synthesize them and we are therefore dependent on their intake from external sources. Whether we try to get the recommended intake of minerals from a varied diet or whether we support it with food supplements, we...

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Which are the supplements to not forget during summer?

Which are the supplements to not forget during summer?

Summer is the time of year when we spend more time outside and we are exposed to sunlight more often. Unfortunately, sun exposure and UV radiation can also lead to faster skin aging, causing wrinkles and pigment spots. The rising temperature also influences our body. The body has to keep...

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Omega-3 fatty acids from algae or from fish?

Omega-3 fatty acids from algae or from fish?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients found in fish and certain plants as well as plant oils. They include ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). All three fatty acids play an important role in normal human growth and development and have clinically-supported benefits to overall health...

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