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Smart way to live long life

Smart way to live long life

Scientific studies find a link between cardiovascular disease and vitamin K2 deficiency

Scientific studies find a link between cardiovascular disease and vitamin K2 deficiency

We have already written about vitamin K and its forms, effects and sources in the previous article here. Vitamin K2, known as menaquinone, has been recently increasingly mentioned in connection with cardiovascular health. Article at a glanc: Vitamin K2 and healthy bones Vitamin K2 deficiency - a risk factor for...

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Essential supplementation - where to start?

Essential supplementation - where to start?

Our body is like a chemical factory that needs optimal intake of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements for healthy functioning. Some people still believe that if they are on a balanced and varied diet, they have an adequate intake of all important nutrients and do not need to take...

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Optimizing Health: The Dynamic Duo of Vitamins D3 and K2

Optimizing Health: The Dynamic Duo of Vitamins D3 and K2

Vitamin D3 and K2 serve crucial functions individually within the body. However, their collaboration is particularly notable in the realms of bone health and cardiovascular disease prevention. Together, they create a synergistic effect, forming a formidable combination. Some even suggest that addressing bone thinning effectively requires the combined action of...

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Vegan vs. non-vegan vitamin D3 - Navigating Vitamin D Supplements for Optimal Health

Vegan vs. non-vegan vitamin D3 - Navigating Vitamin D Supplements for Optimal Health

The significance of vitamin D for human health, coupled with its alarming deficiency among the population, motivates many to turn to supplements, especially during winter months. While the market offers a wide array of vitamin D products, they vary significantly in terms of the type of vitamin D used (most...

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Unraveling the Mystery Behind Varied Price of Supplements Containing Similar Ingredients

Unraveling the Mystery Behind Varied Price of Supplements Containing Similar Ingredients

The same vitamins, or minerals,  the same ingredients, and yet a drastic difference in price. How is this possible? In this article, we explore the perplexing phenomenon of products containing identical ingredients but commanding vastly different prices. Delve into questions about whether the higher-priced supplements really offer superior benefits, or...

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Boosting Testosterone Levels Naturally: Effective Strategies for Health and Vitality

Boosting Testosterone Levels Naturally: Effective Strategies for Health and Vitality

Testosterone is the most important male hormone. It is an important regulator of many functions of both male and female, although men generally produce about 10x more of it per day than women. As men get older, their testosterone levels start to decrease by an average of 1% per year...

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Shedding Light on Vitamin D: Understanding Its Importance and Benefits

Shedding Light on Vitamin D: Understanding Its Importance and Benefits

Vitamin D is essential for our well-being, playing a crucial role in numerous biochemical processes within the body. It supports the health of bones, muscles, and teeth, while also bolstering our immune system. During the summer months, our skin can produce an ample supply of vitamin D when exposed to...

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Are You Lacking Zinc and Magnesium? Signs to Watch Out For.

Are You Lacking Zinc and Magnesium? Signs to Watch Out For.

How often do we feel tired right after waking up? The reason may be a lack of sleep, intense training, or chronic stress. Everything in our body is interconnected, and fatigue, sleep problems, and lack of concentration during the day can have various causes. However, most often, they manifest as...

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