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Smart way to live long life

Smart way to live long life

Is The Vitamin K2 Connection to Japanese Vitality

Is The Vitamin K2 Connection to Japanese Vitality

The remarkable vitality of the Japanese population has long puzzled researchers. Their notably low incidence of cardiovascular diseases and remarkable bone strength, even among the elderly, have been linked to their consumption of a traditional national dish known as Natto. This soybean superfood, a staple in the Japanese diet, is...

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Zinc and its Diverse Functions

Zinc and its Diverse Functions

In the human body, zinc is found only in very small concentrations, yet it is a vital element for all biochemical and physiological functions. Due to its specific physical and chemical properties, which enable it to form characteristic compounds, it is one of the most 'ubiquitous' nutrients not only in...

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How to Build Strong Immunity?

How to Build Strong Immunity?

Each of us responds to infection differently. Why do some people never get sick while others battle allergies, seasonal flu, or digestive problems? This is because we are unique and the immunity of each of us is different. This article will explore what the warning signals of a weakened immune system look...

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How a sedentary lifestyle affects our cells?

How a sedentary lifestyle affects our cells?

Science confirmed that sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity cause cells to age more rapidly. It means that not necessarily the biological age is the same as the chronological age.  Physical activity and telomere length Among other structures, our cells contain telomeres, located at the end of chromosomes. Telomeres protect chromosomes...

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Moving is a cure for aging and chronic diseases

Moving is a cure for aging and chronic diseases

Even if we talk about modern times and huge technological advances, our body did not change too much and did not have time to adapt for this rapid progression and its influence. Our abode has changed drastically with advancing technology, seldom we have to move thanks to developed infrastructure, lifts,...

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Tips to get enough vitamin C

Tips to get enough vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that our body can not synthetize. Many biological functions are depending on it and that is why it is so important to meet everyday need through diet. Most animals are able to synthesize ascorbic acid from glucose, but humans lost this ability during evolution. Our...

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Feeling fatigued? Are you getting enough magnesium in diet?

Feeling fatigued? Are you getting enough magnesium in diet?

Fresh green colour of leafy vegetables, such as basil, avocado, spinach or tree leaves, can be seen thanks to magnesium. Other colours are absorbed by the chlorophylle, only the green light is reflected and visible for our eye. The same, as the iron is the central element of the human...

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Vitamin K2 - new promise in the prevention and treatment of numerous of diseases civilization?

Vitamin K2 - new promise in the prevention and treatment of numerous of diseases civilization?

Vitamin K2 was one of the topics quite a long time underappreciated. But in the last time this powerful nutrient is receiving relatively big attention as it plays an essential role in many aspects of our health. There was not much information nor studies about all “K group” vitamines so...

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